Claim your FREE Chapter of my Book "Coming Home: The Return to True Self"

“Martia Nelson, deep seer and True Self liberator, just blew my heart wide open and gave me hope.  If you ache to know what’s true for you at a very deep, transformational level, if you’ve been knocking around this world for a while yet you’re still not certain what you’re meant to do or be… or if the way you’re living is killing you with stress and you crave an easier way… you need to work with Martia.”
–Owner, branding and marketing company, USA

Your life looks great from the outside.

But deep down, on the inside, you sense there's Something More--and you're missing it!

As time goes by, it becomes more urgent...because you sense that you're meant to find the Something More and that your life won't really be complete without it.

And you've reached a stage of maturity now where you know that time is limited. You don't want to waste any of the time you have left.

Sure, you know you have much to be grateful for--that's not in question.

It's just that after all you've accomplished and experienced, there is still something IMPORTANT that you haven't found yet.

Something that will give your life more Meaning. Purpose. Joy. Ease. Contentment.

And you don't want to turn around one day and realize that you missed it.

It's time to find it.

Maybe you know It's time because you've had a crisis that has shaken you and caused you to look more deeply at yourself and your life.

Or you're facing a major change in your life, and you want this to become a positive turning point that really lifts you up.

Or, honestly, you just can't keep going the way you've been. You just can't.

Bottom line...

You want to look back on your life one day and feel like you reached your Full Potential
and you did what you were meant to do in this life!

So whether it's an INNER JOURNEY of finding self-love and acceptance, freeing your creativity, liberating yourself from the hardships and disappointments in your past, or finding your greatest inner gifts and developing them...

Or it's an OUTER JOURNEY of freeing yourself from the stress and overwhelm inherent in your career -- or of discovering what you're here to do in the world that brings you joy and fulfillment and makes a contribution...

Your Time is Now.

So...what's the next step?

Deepen your connection with your True Self!

Your True Self is who you are at the deepest level.
It is where your true gifts, purpose and fulfillment are.

It's where the Something More  is!

Without that inner, True-Self connection, nothing you accomplish or achieve ever feels like enough. Or like exactly the right thing.  And trying to "do more" just makes you more exhausted!

Without that True-Self connection, you're likely to feel:

  • Stressed and anxious
  • Overwhelmed, exhausted or burned out
  • Restless and cranky
  • Discouraged or fearful about your future
  • Uninspired, with your creativity blocked
  • Disconnected from yourself, others and Spirit
  • Worn down daily by your inner critic, like you're failing and not good enough
  • Levels of stress that could be a health risk
  • Like you have no one to talk to about this--or like talking to people close to you hasn't helped!

The problem is simply that...

Until you come home to your True Self,
you’ll always feel like something’s wrong or something’s missing.

Because no matter how much money you make, how many accolades you receive, how many people love and admire you, or how many people you have helped, none of those things can fill the emptiness, loneliness or inner restlessness that comes from not knowing who you really are at your deepest, most loving and most fulfilling level.

So I want to assure you, that even if you can't see how right now, it is possible to move forward.

And there's nothing wrong with you if you haven't been able to do it alone. Because you can't see what you can't see. And no matter how brilliant and talented you are, you're bound to have blind spots in your own life. That's normal!

It's your time to step off the hamster wheel
and know the truth of who you are and what you’re meant to do with your one precious life!

An expert coach who can see the way for you and walk with you -- guiding, encouraging and supporting you -- is like a light shining into the darkness so a path emerges. And you're free. Then all kinds of good things become possible for you!

I am here for you in that way. Together we can find what you're looking for:

  • Learn how to stop being everything to everyone and feeling that no matter how much you achieve, it’s never enough.
  • Do something about the ache you feel late at night when you can’t sleep, or the worry or loneliness that creeps in.
  • Replace stress and doubt with full-out ease, good health and juice for life!
  • Discover how to transform your inner critic into a kind and supportive inner mentor who really helps you.
  • Live with more love (including self-love!) and spiritual connection.
  • Become the vibrant and creative person you are meant to be.
  • See a path of purpose and meaning in front of you and learn how to follow it.
  • Commit to YOU  and to replacing that something missing  feeling with a life that thrills and fulfills you!

If you are ready to know your True Self and create a life that fills you to the brim with happiness, excitement and a deep personal satisfaction...

Let’s do it!


 What's It Like to Work with Me?.

Imagine being seen more deeply than anyone has ever seen you.
And more lovingly than you have ever seen yourself! 

Imagine finding out who you really are at your core, including your strengths, your gifts, your deepest desires and Purpose…
and who you’re really here to be.

It feels joyous to be seen, truly seen and validated.

And such a relief! Like a weight is lifted and you're free. Your greater potential becomes real to you. And possible like never before.

You feel clear...and hopeful and confident...and energized in a way you have wanted to feel for sooo long!Something in you lights right up. And you just know, from deep within...what your life is about and what your next step is.



I have a unique, intuitive ability to “see” you at a deep level.
I see your True Self and the big picture for your life--
and describe it to you in detail.

This includes the challenges holding you back and the secrets to moving through them with ease and grace. So even your biggest challenges become Positive Life Turning Points. Because I see deeply, I see with unconditional love and compassion. I can show you how the things you think are "wrong" or flawed in you are not -- and how they are springboards to the greater You.

As I guide you forward, I help you connect to your True Self so you can see it all, too -- and become all that you're meant to be in this life!


I am your seer, sounding board and motivator. I listen with an open heart to whatever you’re going through. You are never judged or made ”wrong” and you do not have to uphold any image with me, including the one the world sees. Even though you are a strong, resourceful woman, your feelings of vulnerability and uncertainty are safe with me. I understand. And I hold our conversations in 100% confidentiality.

From my 30+ years coaching experience, I draw out the best in you as I connect you with your True Self and help you step into the life you long for--and are meant to have! Discover inner strengths and gifts you didn't even know you had. Learn how to hear the voice of your True Self and follow its wise guidance whenever you need it. Gain greater self-love, confidence, ease and feelings of worth. Discover the bigger picture for your life. Find more energy and make better decisions. Take the practical steps to get you where you want to go.
With new clarity, energy and enthusiasm, find your own unique way to make a difference in the world!


“I feel seen. I feel heard. I feel sheltered. Thank you.”
     —A new client, at the end of her initial Discovery Session

“I have come home, in my body and soul. Now I can be my true self and tap into the richness inside. I’m using my full potential. Thank you!”
–CEO, International organizational consulting firm

“Your coaching has been pivotal. I like myself more, I’m making better business decisions and I’m having a better life!
–Founder & CEO, mid-size natural foods company
“You helped me create new thought processes that empower me to succeed at high levels in my relationships, family, finances, work, health and spiritual life. Thank you so much.”
–Physician and Clinic Director for HIV/AIDS treatment

NOTE: Because privacy and confidentiality are important to my clients,
no clients' names or photos are used on this website.


Qualities I Look For in a Client

Coaching with me is deep and transformational, and the benefits are lifelong. I am dedicated to the highest level of transformation for my clients, and I give them an exceptional level of presence, focus and accessibility. So I select only a few dedicated people to work with me each year, and I choose them carefully. It is important to me that we are an excellent match

  • You are motivated and want to live your best life.
  • You are ready to invest in yourself and reap the rewards.
  • Inner peace and fulfillment matter to you -- even if they are elusive now.
  • You believe change is possible -- even if you can’t see the steps on your own right now.
  • You value self-awareness and inner growth.


NOTE: “Martia” is pronounced like Marsha.

Contact Martia at martia@ or 707-529-9732 (USA, Pacific time zone)

Coming Home

All content ©2012–2016 Martia Nelson International, Inc.