The inner critic relentlessly points out our “flaws” and makes us feel insecure, afraid, unlovable, invisible, dissatisfied with our success or like we’ll never be “enough”. It quashes our potential and holds us back in relationships, career and creativity.
Even the most talented and accomplished among us secretly feel deflated by the inner critic!
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If you get a great idea or want to try something new and then your mind says, “You’ll never be able to do that!” or “Who do you think you are?”, that’s what I’m talking about.
Or maybe it’s the quieter version, where you just start feeling discouraged and stuck. And easily distracted. Like your mind is keeping you from moving forward. Because it’s afraid you’ll fail. Or afraid you’ll succeed and, goodness gracious, then what??!!
And even more exhausting, no matter how much you do or accomplish, it’s never enough. After the adrenaline high of reaching your goal wears off, you feel let down, empty, like you should be doing more.
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