This is one of my all-time favorite photos.
This week of December was always when my dogs, Rincon and Chloe, would don their reindogs outfits (I say that like it was their idea) and then prance around town with me, spreading their good cheer to everyone who stopped us.
And everyone stopped us!
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This is a special post. And a sensitive one. This presidential election was a particularly brutal one for most Americans, leaving a lot of people feeling weak, sore and deeply discouraged, regardless of who they voted for. Here’s help!
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If you’re feeling scared, shaken, angry, stunned and or deeply disturbed by the results of the election here in the United States…
If you’re doing your best to pull yourself together and regain a sense of safety, peace and well-being but you’re having a rough time of it, this invitation is for you.
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“I’ve done so much in my life,” a new friend confided to me recently, “but I don’t feel fulfilled. I don’t know my purpose. Does everyone even have a purpose? I sure wish I knew mine.”
My friend is not alone. Her angst is more common than she knows.
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The last blog I posted meant a lot to me. In it I shared some personal details about what’s been going on in my life lately. I was actually a little shy about it, and I considered leaving out a couple points. Then it occurred to me that inner work and personal growth are very personal!
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